
Toasted Owl Gives A Hoot

by altardy on October 30, 2017

It was that time again for what was the 8th Annual “Toasted Owl Gives A Hoot”  fund raising 5k run and 2k walk.   The  Toasted Owl and Fitzwilly’s on Main Street in Northampton have been the place to be on the holloween weekend.  Fred, owner of both establishments, and I teamed up 8 years […]


The Prep And The Day

by altardy on October 30, 2017

Part of the prep work that day was getting the arrows and mile markers out on the course for the runners and the walkers.  This was the first arrow I placed on the course.  It was long before the sun came up. This was the starting area as the sun decided to start rising.    […]


Volunteers Make It All Happen

by altardy on October 30, 2017

This is what our registration area looked like just after sunrise. But then….. The volunteers started to arrive.  Mickey has volunteered all 8 years of this event.  Here we are captured in a picture frame someone created for the day.     And along with Mickey, Dakin brought a huge number of volunteers.  Some were […]


A Couple Of The Runners And Walkers

by altardy on October 30, 2017

I only got a few pictures of the runners and walkers.  This was mainly due to the fact that by the time I got back to the party/registration area most of the people had gone home, most likely for a hot shower. But the ones that braved the elements had a great time and run.  […]


Somerville Was Great

by altardy on August 14, 2017

I made my way to Somerville, Ma. on August 13th to run a 5k I’d not run in the past. The “Memphis Soul 5k”.  It was a great decision and turned into an awesome way to spend the the day.   I found Union Square and made my way down Somerville Ave. to…..     […]


Other Perks Of The Race

by altardy on August 14, 2017

Along with the t shirts and the free beer, there was a great live jazz band playing, medals were given to each runner/walker and a bbq feast 2nd to none.  Come join the party next year you will enjoy every minute of the day.  Check out the next entry and see some of the people […]


Some Great New Friends

by altardy on August 14, 2017

Here are photos of some of the people that made their way to the race. Part of the draw to this race is the free beer that flowed after you were finished running.         I have found that running gets us there and free beer loosens you up quickly after the running […]


Holyoke Saint Patrick’s Day Race 2017

by altardy on March 20, 2017

It was March 18th and time for the 42nd annual Holyoke St. Patty’s Day Race. Snow turning into rain had been the weather forecast for this event during the entire week leading up to this race. But with a lot of prayers and, of course, The Luck Of The Irish these were the skies that […]


Without Sponsors There Would Be No Race

by altardy on March 20, 2017

Without the time, effort and financial support of sponsors there would be no Holyoke Saint Patrick’s Day Race.  What I like is that I get to work with some of the people that are the race’s contacts with these organizations.  Two in particular have become great friends. Matt works with Peoples Bank.  Peoples Bank is […]


Many Years Of Helping

by altardy on March 20, 2017

There are many, many people that work behind the scenes to make such an event happen.  There is no way I could put all their pictures on my site. So I have a few pictures to be able to let you see some of the unsung heros of the St. Patty’s Race. Sue was one […]