
The Quiet Before The…… Fun

by altardy on September 14, 2014

This is what the day…   was looking like…..   five hours…..   before the race….   started.  Check out the next 4 entries and see what happened next.


Meet Marty.  Marty does anything the race committee asks of  him.  He brings in the sound people, the music people and the thing he marvels us all with is the feasts he puts out for our runners, walkers and volunteers.  The food for this first annual event was awesome and plentiful.  The tables were full […]


Newbies, Friendships And Talking Running

by altardy on September 14, 2014

Matt was excited and exciting to meet.  This was the first race he had run since he was 10 years old.  He is now 40.  You can tell he was fired up by looking in this picture and seeing how many more runners you see. Let me help you out,  the answer would be “0”.  The […]


Friends- Both Old And New

by altardy on September 14, 2014

Chris and I met many years ago, but not in a way having anything to do with running.  We then began seeing each other at races everywhere.  We endured lifes ups and downs, supporting each other through the downs and applauding each other during the ups. Here, with his sweet lady Toni, we got to update each […]


A Couple Last Photos From A Great Event

by altardy on September 14, 2014

Kelly came to cheer on her son Patrick who ran the race.  Her son, Daniel, helped set up earlier in the day.  Kelly and I realized we had met at a race in the not too distant past, but were not able to pinpoint exactly which one it was.  Not an unusal problem for those in […]


Canal Diggers, Worcester, Ma. 2014…Oh Yeah

by altardy on September 7, 2014

This was the day and the place I’ve been waiting for.  The Fiddlers’ Green Pub in Worcester, Ma..  Home of my favorite race of the year—The Canal Diggers 5K road race.  This was their 8th year and my 6th year there.     I’ve had alot of great memories that have come out of going to this race.  My daughter […]


Some Of The People That Make This Event So Great

by altardy on September 7, 2014

Meet Paul Foley.  Paul has been at the helm as the main organizer for this race for the 8 years that it has existed.  Him and his team have created a wonderful day and place for families and friends to get together and have a great time.  I want you to know he’s having this […]


Special People From Worcester

by altardy on September 7, 2014

I’m not sure who number 650 is, however, he looks like he could be related to number 1102.  If you look close you can tell that #1102 is the only one amongst us that has a different medal hanging around his neck.  I believe his name is Jim or John (if someone could email me […]


Bunches Of New Friends And Some Not As New

by altardy on September 7, 2014

Meet (r-l) Chris, Rene myself and Nancy.  They are new members of the Wormtown Runners Club based in Worcester.     Now meet more members of the Wormtown Club.   I’ve known Stephanie(white cap) for 4 years.  I met her at this race, which was her first race ever.  That was the year my daughter ran her first race, which was at […]

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Smiles Everywhere

by altardy on September 7, 2014

John and his brother Jim(334)and I have met recently at a Worcester race.  They ran saturday as did their wives, Shirley(335)  and Jill.  It feels like we have known each other for years.  Running, approached correctly, gives you a world filled with friends that are somewhere just waiting for you to meet them.  Desneiges was a […]