
And Then The People Came

by altardy on October 6, 2014

  Once the weather started warming up and it got closer to the starting time people began showing up in groups.  These folks were both volunteers and runners.  And color wars broke out with powder flying everywhere.   What was fun about this type of run is that it’s more of a social event that happens to […]


Run Like An Antelope, Worcester

by altardy on October 6, 2014

October FOURTH I arrived at my FOURTH race in Worcester this year.  REMEMBER THE “FOURTH”  THING AS YOU READ THE NEXT ENTRIES.  It was recommended to me by one of my favorite running buddies, who you will also meet in the next entry.  She was sooooo right.  This was a great race, on a great day, put […]


Fourth–Fourth–And Fourth

by altardy on October 6, 2014

YES–If you’ve been keeping up with my blog entries for any length of time, you have seen Stephanie many times.  We met FOUR years ago when her and my daughter were both running their very first races.  Last saturday her normal running partner was not around and she asked if I would run the race […]


Newbies, Returnies And Friends

by altardy on October 6, 2014

(l-r) Beth, Jenny, Andrew and Chris are part of a group that now travel to races and spend the day enjoying the running and friendships.  This was only Beth’s third race but as you can see she fits right in with the rest of us.  Linda is one of the great people that finish the race […]


TD’S Sports Bar And Pub was the scene of a very colorful day last Sunday. And as I loaded up my truck to help put the event on…..  it was a very different load of equipment then I usually carry to races I help put on.  Leaf blowers, pedistal fans, generators, what the heck was this […]


Ready For The Day

by altardy on September 29, 2014

I want you to meet two great friends of mine.  Terry(left), who volunteered to cook on the grill, and Tommy Hill.  Tommy owns TD’S Pub and was the sponsor for the event.  Both of them serve in the Air Force Reserve.  It’s an honor for me to call them “friends”.   Tommy is always stepping to the plate when […]


An Entry About Volunteers

by altardy on September 29, 2014

Glen was a runner and also volunteered to help us give the runners one last blast of color as they crossed the finish line.  Glen and I teamed up with Joan to make their memories colorful.     Chris is a friend of mine who came to help out.  He did that with only one day’s […]


The Colors Were Everywhere

by altardy on September 29, 2014

So, as you can see, a paint war broke out in the parking lot.  (l-r) Sarah, Courtney, Kim and Lisa came to have a good time, and that they did.  Kim, by the way, just recently ran her first half marathon.  Congrats to her.                          Josh was running his third race that day and his son, Dave, who […]


So Come On Down….

by altardy on September 29, 2014

So head on down to TD’S at 699 Gratan Street in Chicopee…..   and show your support for Tom as he continues to support others.


Half Way To St. Patrick’s Day Race-Holyoke, Ma.

by altardy on September 14, 2014

The Elks Club in Holyoke Ma. was the place to be September 13th.  This was the first annual Half Way To St. Patty’s Day race for our city.    And guess what number I got to wear?  Yes, this was our first attempt to not wait an entire year between St. Patrick’s Day races to enjoy […]