
Lt. Col. Morris “Moose” Fontenot was killed in a crash of his F-15C Eagle Fighter on August 27th in Virginia.  An experience pilot with over 2300 flying hours including 5 missions over seas, he will be missed by many.   He was a great man, husband and father and was  dedicated to the country he flew for.  He […]


Three Of The Unsung Heros For That Day

by altardy on November 11, 2014

The organizing of the run to help Moose’s family started with one of Moose’s best friends, Lt. Col. Jed “Chowda” Conaboy.  Jed is also a pilot out of Barnes and has flown along side of Moose.  But Jed had some great people that steeped to the plate to help put together an event such as this on […]


The First “Ah Ha” Moment

by altardy on November 11, 2014

I am part of many race committees these days.  And, we always have two points where we suddenly realize that everything is set up, from registration tables all the way to the finish line.    That becomes the first “ah ha” moment.  When you realize there is nothing left you can do but wait for the day […]


The Second “Ah Ha” Moment

by altardy on November 11, 2014

   The flag was in place along with the start and finish line.  The entire course was set and ready.  Signs, water, support people were all in place along the route.    The bag pipers made their way to the starting area.     Hundreds of runners and walkers made their way to the starting line.  […]


This One’s For You

by altardy on November 10, 2014

   In getting to know many of the service men and women stationed at Barnes, I’ve really gotten to see how they come together in good times and bad.  There are lots more pictures and stories after this entry,but, I felt that this photo needed it’s own spot in my write up about the Rally For Moose […]


He Brought Lots Of Help And Support

by altardy on November 10, 2014

  Tim Garstka, sales manager for Williams Distributing,  was a big  part of the success of this event.  They donated equipment, time, signage, beer and money.     They designed booths for distributing containers af carbs.     They brought signs.  And they brought man power to help put things together and helped things to run smoothly through out the […]


Friends New And Old

by altardy on November 10, 2014

The fun with every race, I either help put on or I run, is seeing old friends and making new friends.     John and Brenna were great new friends a year or so ago.  But now they are great close friends that I see both socially and at races. Brenna just finished running the Marine Corp. […]


Some More Runners Photos

by altardy on November 10, 2014

Jim, on right, is also a rep for Williams Distributing, shown here after the race with his son.  This young gentleman is a cadette at the Air Force Academy.  He wore lightening on his shirt and in his running shoes.  He recieved the first place award for the first armed force finisher.    I don’t have all […]


Some Of The Volunteers That Stepped To The Plate

by altardy on November 10, 2014

Many many people stepped up to help and support the cause. I caught a few of them in action.  There was a group of Westfield State University students  that came.  They were everywhere doing whatever was asked of them.    Ask anyone that has run a race just how important the folks putting out water can be and […]


The Last Photos Til Next Year

by altardy on November 10, 2014

Here are the last of the photos from the Rally For Moose Run.  Come and enjoy this amazing event next year.  You will marvel at the support that steps up when heros fall.  Be part of helping Moose’s memory live on.