
Pictures Of Some Runners

by altardy on October 12, 2015

  Here are some pictures of just a few of the many people that came to run.   Tony BLAZED the trail, winning with a time of 15:35.  Patrick was close behind, taking home third place.   Brian and I met at the starting line.  I liked his thoughts on running in these types of races.  When […]


And After The Race….

by altardy on October 12, 2015

After the race was over I met up with some great friends from Worcester.  Stephanie had run a half marathon that day, so we shared running stories.  The Patriots were playing so Tom and I got to cheer on the favorite team.   It was a great way to finish the day.  And it grave me some […]


Canal Diggers Road Race 2015

by altardy on September 13, 2015

  Saturday September 12th at the Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre was the 9th annual Canal Diggers Road Race. I run 20-30 races a year and help organize 8 others.  For me, and this was my 8th time here, the Canal Diggers truly is one of my favorite races of the year.       I have always gone there expecting a great day […]


I Was Early

by altardy on September 13, 2015

I got to the race site 3 hours early.  Things were quiet as they tend to be that log before the start of the day.   Things were in the process of being set up and put into place as the volunteers began to start filing in.  I was there to watch the start/finish line arch […]


A Tribute To The Volunteers

by altardy on September 13, 2015

If you’ve followed my blogging for any length of time, you know I like to give volunteers some cudos.  I help organize 8 different races and I can tell you that without these unsung heros none of them would exist.  So here are just a couple of the hundreds of poeple that helped this great day […]


Who Showed Up????

by altardy on September 13, 2015

If you are reading this, and you were not there, and you’re wondering if the day/race went on without you……  YES IT DID. This race had perfect weather and drew a record crowd….again. It is a wonderful setting and all that attend always have a great day of running/music/food and friendships shared.  I have 4 […]


What, Me Join A Runninng Club—-Never—-Well????

by altardy on September 13, 2015

I have been asked many, many times over my years of running to join running clubs.  Until just a couple weeks ago I had not joined any.  Just not my thing.  Then about 4 years ago, while running in a Canal Diggers race I met….  Stephanie.  She was running her first race ever along with […]


Some Old Friends And Some New Friends

by altardy on September 13, 2015

  This is a wonderful friend that I met 2 years ago.  Roger came to his first Canal Diggers race that year.  He had been injured for a number years which kept him from participating in the sports world.  But he decided to start back running.  His son, who is a great runner, showed him my site.  Roger […]


Our Antics

by altardy on September 13, 2015

  Hanging around with the Wormtown Milers is a great time. This is Stephanie and her husband Tom.  I first met them about 4 Canal Diggers ago.  It was my daughter, Michelle’s first race and also Stephanie’s first race.  Somehow we all met that day and have been great friends ever since.  Tom is not a […]


Last Of The Photos From Canal Diggers 2015

by altardy on September 13, 2015

Here are the last pictures from a great day in Worcester.  You need to come and join us next year.  And get your picture on my site.  And enjoy a wonderful, wonderful time with the rest of us. Come find your story and your memories.