
Major Cudos To The Wormtown Milers

by altardy on March 20, 2017

To put on a race the size of the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Day 10k requires an enormous number of volunteers. It requires 300-400 folks that are willing to take time out of their celebrating on a holiday.  Many of the people come from our race and parade committee.  But, without the people, outside of committee […]


Great Friends

by altardy on March 20, 2017

I see many running friends at this race every year. Some I knew outside of running and some because of running.  The St. Patty’s Race brings us all together.   Jason, who I call “Tuba Jay” is tremendously well known in the running world. He’s also easy to spot amid and sea of runners.  The […]

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My Last Photos From The Saint Patty’s Race

by altardy on March 20, 2017

Here are the last couple photos I have from the Saint Patrick’s Day Road Race 2017 in Holyoke. I  usually have more pictures from this race, but decided to relax and enjoy the rest of the day with great friends—cameraless. The sweet smiling lady on the right was celebrating her 31st birthday on race day. […]


It takes an emormous number of people to put on a running event like Holyoke’s St. Patrick’s Day Race.  And, it would be impossible to put all of their pictures on this site.  So, I’m going to introduce you to just a few.   Brian, who along with Jim Wildman, co-chair the race committee.  He has […]


There Are 3 For A Reason

by altardy on March 21, 2016

All 3 of these pictures look very much alike.  But, there was a long gathering at my car after we each finished running and/or volunteering.  If you look in their hands you will see one of the reasons they gathered at my beer supply (I mean car). But special people were coming and going and I realized […]

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Friends Came For Many Reasons

by altardy on March 21, 2016

Here are some pics of some great friends that were at the race.    Some came to run….     Some came to run in the garb of the day….  Some came to cheer us all on……   And this friend had a beer/fireball stop along the course to help me replenish the fluids I had been sweating out […]

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And I figured I’d start them with the tube man. And–Yes– he does run carrying and playing the tube through out the entire 6.2 mile course. So come and see him and the other 7,000 plus runners next year and be a part of out celebration.     


Happy 50th

by altardy on March 4, 2016

And the runners came to enjoy.  Over 50 of us made our way around the 3 mile course.  But instead of water stops we have 7 pub stops.  But, also, it was Mary’s (r) 50th birthday. And,…. along with a 50 person choir, there was a tray of cup cakes waiting to help celebrate at the end.   […]


A Buuch Of Pictures

by altardy on March 4, 2016

And now for 2 entries of photos from the day.  Check them out and come join us next year. There is one more group of Pictures in the next entry……check them out.


by altardy on March 4, 2016