There Are 3 For A Reason

by altardy on March 21, 2016

All 3 of these pictures look very much alike.  But, there was a long gathering at my car after we each finished running and/or volunteering.  If you look in their hands you will see one of the reasons they gathered at my beer supply (I mean car).IMG_0025 But special people were coming and going and I realized it takes all 3 pictures to get them all in.  

The person on the top row, far right, is a great friend that came and volunteered because he knew we needed all the help putting this race on that we could get.

The person on the far left is a great friend that was walking through the finish shoot at the same time I was, so I mentioned what was on ice in my car.      

The person in the top row with the light green shirt is Dave.  Dave and I met around the 1 mile marker and we ran the rest of the course together.  I wanted to help him enjoy the run, so I had him stop with me at the 3 or 4 beer stops (and 1 fireball stop) I have over the route. He said he likes the way I run the course much better than the way he had done it in previous years.IMG_0032 

These other 2 pictures show some very special people in my life.  They are all part of a running club based out of Worcester, Ma.. –THE WORMTOWN MILERS.  I got to know them a couple at a time over the last 6 years. 

I’ve been asked to become part of over 100 running clubs over the course of my running years, but had always declined.  However I fell in love with this group’s outlook on runing and life.  And that it’s all about supporting each other no matter what your running abilities are.  So……IMG_0026  

for the first time in my life I joined a running club.   THE WORMTOWN MILERS.  And they came to our race with 18-20 people to help out.  Their efforts were absolutely vital to the efficient running of the registration tent, where 5,000 runners came saturday(2,000 runners the day before) to pick up bip numbers and shirts.  This is a glorious group of wonderful people that I’m proud to be associated with.  

There are 2 more entries with a bunch of pictures after this one, so check them and see if you are there.

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Great running with you! FIREBALL!!!! LOL


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