Smiles Everywhere

by altardy on September 7, 2014


John and his brother Jim(334)and I have met recently at a Worcester race.  They ran saturday as did their wives, Shirley(335)  and Jill.  It feels like we have known each other for years.  Running, approached correctly, gives you a world filled with friends that are somewhere just waiting for you to meet them.IMG_0023 

Desneiges was a great help while running the race. I usually don’t look towards other runners to pace myself while running.  For some reason this was just one of those days when a pace setter helped me run a better race then I might have.  And she was the one I followed.  “Thanks”.IMG_0011   

Dee(810) and Jodi and I were standing in the same area as a small breeze started blowing through the parking lot.  Since it was almost 90 degrees and sunny as could be we all took a moment to just enjoy it.

I hope you’re noticing that everyone in evey photo is smiling. That’s cause the setting at the Canal Diggers always allows everyone to have a great time.  There are a few more entries after this one with more pics and smiles.

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