A Big “Shout Out”, As We Say On Our Committee

by altardy on March 27, 2014


Just want to give a special thanks to the 104th Fighter Wing From Barnes Air Force Base in of Westfield, Ma.. We greatly needed help to help with all the “start” and “finish” changes that were made this year.  Along with the 50+ runners from Barnes that participate in the race, and lead by Commander Keefe and Major Mendoza, they were able to bring a great group of volunteers (some of which passed up running to help out) who took control of some very vital areas. 

Without them much of the success of the new changes would have been in jeopardy. “THANK YOU, WE ARE PROUD OF YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO TO KEEP THIS COUNTRY FREE”      

Check out the 5 entries after this to see what the day was like.

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