Sharon, along with her daughter Amy,  participated in the fund-raising run/walk. Amy walked the course. She actually walked it with a finishing time that beat some of the runners. Sharon ran the race in approximately the same time as I did. They live close enough to the event that they were able to go home, shower and come back looking great. Sharon and I spent a little time running down the list of races we’ve participated in, because with all the races we’ve both gone to, we ‘re pretty sure we’ve seen each other before.
Jenni was the first person I met as I was getting out of my car when I arrived in Whitman. She told me that her husband, Josh, was the runner in the family. However, this was Jenni’s first race ever and I made sure she read the line on my card that reads “Be proud of YOUR talent level”. They both did very well that day and to you Jenni–welcome to our world–proud of you. Â
 Derek (1686) ran a faster race then I did, however, I did get to the pint of carb line ahead of him. Luis (1561) also ran and Jim, well Jim came along to cheer them on and share in the carbo loading after running tradition.Â
I’ve got 2 more entries with photos from the great time. check them out and come join us next year.
{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
Great to meet you yesterday, Al! Thanks for the support and for pointing me to your website. I’ve already signed up for my next 5K 🙂
Hi Jenni, Sorry it took a bit to get back to you. I had a sister get into a bad crash and had to focus in her direction. She has returned home after 3 weeks in the hospital but is now doing well. Congrats on more racing. Which 5k did you sign up for? I am now helping organize 5 races along with trying to run one every week or two. Let me know your race plans. Keep Smiling Al
Just seeing this now. So sorry to hear about your sister! How frightening. I’ve signed up for this weekend’s Naraganset Summer Running Festival in Easton. 🙂
Hi Jenni, It was good to meet you Thursday. If you’re at the Naraganset in Easton I am jealous. By the time I went to sign up both the 5 and 10 k’s were sold out. Let me know how it went.
I had a little glitch getting the photos developed so I am just putting them into the blog now. If you could use my personal email address though it would get read by me a little quicker. Please let me know what I missed. Keep Smiling Al