The first thing I learned being new on the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Day road race and parade committees was just how many people (volunteering their time) that it took to put on two major events of this type. Then I learned there were meetings, A LOT OF MEETINGS. Some of the meetings were small with 4-5 people. Some, like the one pictured here, were attended by 50-70 people. All these people gathered for months prior to St. Patrick’s Day weekend so you can enjoy a great event and give your family a reason to gather and celebrate.Â
The people heading up these committees were the central point for all ideas, new and old, good things, problems, details, details, details. I realized if they wanted their phones to ring, all they had to do was hang it up and someone else was calling. Archie, Brian and Jim lead the way for the race committee and they very rarely did not have an answer to questions. They were great examples and leaders.
This photo after a meeting includes (l-r) Jim, myself, Marty (the p.a. guy, the food guy, the what do you need me to do guy), and Archie. Â
All the work, 1000’s of hours, 10’s of meetings, months of preparation for one purpose—-SO YOU COULD HAVE A SAFE AND GREAT TIME. Now there are a dozen entries after this so you can see and read about the final production. There are 40-50 pictures, some of which you might just be in,  from the race and a few words to go with them, so get started.