Special People On Saint Patty’s Day

by altardy on March 21, 2012


This was a very memorable day for me for many reasons.  I want to share a few with you.

Mary and I had not seen each other in many, many years.  I, however, was a topic of conversation at her family’s gathering the week before the race.  Her brother, Bob, and I were the best of friends back around 1975.  Him and I spent many years together going everywhere and doing everything great buddies do.  Friday night, the day before the race, I was talking to some friends when Mary spotted me. 

The reason her family had been talking about me was that they wanted to let me know that Bob was in Florida and on the last days of his life.  The next day, in prayer, I dedicated my day’s race to him.  Later, after the race was done, she let me know that he had passed away that morning.  Love You Brother.   

About 2 years after I ran across the country I was introduced to someone who was starting to plan the same type of run.  I was able to meet him and share with him my experience.  He ran across the country and I never saw him again—until race day.  I had finished the race, was back at my car area when–there he was, Bill Chapman.  

What are the odds of that????????    His daughter, Hope, and he had just finished also.  Hope had just finished the race with a personal record.  Hopefully we won’t  have to go as long before we see each other again.                 

Joe and I were walking down a sidewalk at the same time and happened to strike up a conversation.  I mentioned my next 5000 mile run and he mentioned he has filmed documentaries all over the world.  You might be looking at a picture of a new team with a mission.  I promise if you check out the next 2 entries I’ll let you know about any developments in this story.

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Al, you are very sweet. Thanks so much for attending my brother’s service, it meant a lot to see you. I found out he passed about an hour or so before the race and I knew I had to do it for him, I will be in it for the rest of my life in his honor! (next year we need to take another photo cause I looked terrible!!! 😉
Take care and we’ll chat soon!


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