Good Bye 2011

by altardy on January 5, 2012


I found this at “Good For The Sole”, a newer runner’s shop on Strong Ave in Northampton, Ma..  Thought I would share it with you to start the new year off.  There  will be some great additions to both this website and the Tardy site.  I for one am glad to see 2011 behind me and I am looking forward to the new year.

To all those that have  been reading this blog section I’d like to say a big “Thanks” and “May all you desire in 2012 come to pass and then some”. 

The next “recent entry” will teach you how to navigate back into the blog section.  There is a lot of good stuff to read.  If you haven’t been with us long, take the time to go back.  There are many things to read about including races,  bicycle events, entries from 2 Extreme Home Makeover builds I was honored to be a part of, my story about the day my daughter got engaged and many other stories.

I have appreciated all the comments that you sent my way and I have posted them.  Also you can email me at anytime you wish.   Looks like January 7th has an exciting race going on in Lexington, Ma. and with a 50 + degree forecast you just might see me there to start the new year.    KEEP PRESSING FORWARD    AL     


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Happy New Year to you. Sorry I haven’t got back to you. Life has been so incredibly busy, which I know you know all about that. Maybe spring break in early March we can hook up and see what we can put together but I am thinking you are in training but we can still start a thought process. I got your number so we will stay in touch. Do you ski? Maybe we can hit the slopes. Talk to you soon, Drew


Hi Drew, My big run has been moved to 2013, mainly due to the economy not coming back yet. Sponsorship monies came up short. Many of the sponsors wantd to help more but, due to lagging revenues, couldn’t. I don’t ski and even if I did I think all those counting on me to run would have my head if they thought I might be headed to the slopes. Call any time 413-330-9422. Hope all is well with you in the new year. Al


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