Did You Say—TABLES—Of Desserts??????????

by altardy on December 5, 2011



How could you not get into the holiday spirit while being around such a great crowd of people like these. 

 There were christmas trees running along side of presents and festive sweaters with babies.   It was all there.  Doreen was wearing the red sweater with her daughter, Sherry was the present and Judy was the Christmas tree.  When I asked Judy what it was like to run in her costume she said it was “HOT”.

Then the reindeer came down from prancing on the roof long enough to partake of some of the great food offered up by many local restaurants.  Sharon, Sheila and Mary told me they were carbo loading in preparation for their long flight on the evening of the 24th. 

Speaking of carbo loading, this was the first race I can remember having dessert TABLES (that’s right tables–the plural form of table).  And, as I’m sure you are aware deserts=carbs.  Myself along with Betty and Paula attended the ice cream table offering.  Then I found the cakes, the cookies and the pie offerings.  It truly was just for the carbs and training—-RIGHT. 

I left the race and headed home with more han sugar plums dancing in my head.  I left with a stomach full of an array of great food, but more importantly a head full of great memories.  What a great day, race, people and a wonderful cause. If you haven’t been to the Jolly Jaunt in Danvers, Ma. don’t make the same mistake next year.  Put this on your “gotta run” calendar for next year,  it will put you in the festive spirit.  “Thank You” to all I met and to all those I didn’t, that were a part of this wonderful event.

The next entry will explain  how to navigate this blog section so you can travel back through the last 2 months of exciting adventures, from races to Extreme Home Makeover builds in Joplin, Missouri.  Take som time to read and I hope you enjoy the journey.  Always feel free to email me at tardy4@comcast.net . Happy holidays.      


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It was such a great race. My daughter and I are glad to be part of such a great cause. We are certainly looking forward to it next year!


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