by altardy on December 12, 2011
There have been a lot of entries in the blog section over the last few months. As you look for the one you want to read here are some instructions. You can access the most recent 5 or 6 just by clicking onto their titles. Once you’ve looked at them, or if you’re looking for […]
by altardy on December 12, 2011
Brennan’s, on High Street in Holyoke, was the place to be on December 11th. The sun was shining and the people were gathering for the Holiday Pud Run.   That’s right, a less than 2 mile, run at you own leisurley pace, with 7 pub stops between the start and finish. Actually, Brennan’s was both […]
by altardy on December 12, 2011
NO, I am not drinking while I’m putting these pictures into my blog. And, YES, I know that the same 4 people are in all 4 shots. Actually I supposedly had a shot of the 4 amigos from all 7 stops!!! Jessica, Dave, Chris(green shirt) and I had our picture taken, with my camera, at all […]
by altardy on December 12, 2011
The smiles were everywhere and continious.  Gail had such a great smile that she lit up the every place we stopped. And we had matching hats and almost matching Boston Marathon jackets, too. Donna, also, was wearing a marathon jacket. Her’s was from the ING Marathon. Her husband, Steve, was with her on this–training–run.  John and […]
by altardy on December 12, 2011
Jen and I shared beers, conversation and warm sunshine at our first pub stop. I had to behave myself though, cause her mom, Sue, and another friend were watching my every move……..just kidding.    Jennifer was probably the most photographed person in our crowd. Her hat had lights that lit up. She was our guiding light […]
by altardy on December 12, 2011
Although this is my last group of pictures from the Brennan’s Holiday Pub Run, my memory of the day includes so many other great people who the day was a pleasure to share. Kelly and Jen are two great people. They are both mom’s, wives, pretty as can be and both about to take on […]
by altardy on December 5, 2011
If you can read the sign on the pole you will see that I set a new personal record for the distance traveled to run in a race. That’s right I headed to the North Pole for the 2011 Jolly Jaunt. As you can see I took photos to prove it. I was […]
by altardy on December 5, 2011
Alright, so maybe I didn’t really travel to the North Pole for my December 4th race. This Jolly Jaunt is part of a series of races to benefit the Special Olympics. I was in Danvers, Ma. and the race was put on at the Beverly Hospital.  I have traveled hundreds and hundreds of miles over […]
by altardy on December 5, 2011
How could you not get into the holiday spirit while being around such a great crowd of people like these.  There were christmas trees running along side of presents and festive sweaters with babies.  It was all there. Doreen was wearing the red sweater with her daughter, Sherry was the present and Judy […]