There Are Still Blessings In Disguise

by altardy on November 2, 2011

   On my way attempting to get back home my flight from Dallas to Hartford was sent, instead, to Pittsburgh.  There was a tremendous northeaster going on in the northeast.  Everyone was upset when we learned that we would have to spend the night and resume our trip the next day.  However, American Airlines put everyone up in hotels and 6 of us became good friends. 

   Pictured here are Bronyon and Jeff (top row), myself, Sarah, Trevor and Brandie.  Six people from four different places, living different lives.  But, we all accepted the fact that mother nature had other plans for us and we talked and sipped and got to know each other.  We met at the airport the next day, flew to Hartford, and said our good-byes. 

Sometimes life hands you a situation you didn’t expect that turns out to be a small blessing in disguise. That is what my stop in Pittsburgh turned out to be that day.  “Thanks” to all 5 of you for once again proving that lemons can still be turned into lemonade.  Please call or email with your story of getting home once we arrived in Hartford.

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