America’s New Dream Teams Come To Springfield, Mass.

by altardy on September 27, 2011

There are sports dream teams.  They are usually made up of athletes that were put together totry to win games against other sports teams.  The people you see here have come together to help others win against the hardships in life.  AND THEY ALWAYS.

—Pictured here are people from the tremendously popular television show– Extreme Makeover.  In the first picture are Michael,Tracy, Ty(the star of the show), Jillian and Johnny.  These people design and get houses built for people from all walks of  that have taken some form of hard knocks from life.  Their efforts give these people a new start in life.  The stories of the people they have built for may be different, but the mission of the heart of Ty and company is the same……Help Others.

—I got to meet them and the folks in the second picture(Matt ,Tony, Calvin, Blake and Darren) in Springfield, Mass. as they built a new house for the family of  Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover.  This was a very young boy who took his own life as a result of bullying.  It is a tragic story and the small boy can never be brought back.  But, the family now has a great start with a beautiful new house and many other things that came along with the Dream Team’s short visit.

—In the next entry I will introduce you to the local Dream Team that put out the efforts to help make this a reality. So check that one out.   

If you’ve never watched the show and witnessed the wonderful results of their efforts–you absolutely need to put that on your “NEED TO DO” list.

—You will be able to witness some of the efforts and excitement of the project in the entries that follow this one.  Read them all and tune into the show airing, it looks like, Dec. 5th. 

 —“Thanks to all that made this happen”.     

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