A Great Group Of People On Such A great Day

by altardy on April 13, 2011

Here are 3 more pics from the Groton Road Race.  I met Sara (#6050) at the starting line and then met Kerri as we got together to talk about the run. 

I met families and friends that ran in this race.  The type of day that the organizers put together promotes the family gathering.  Tyler(#4229) hung out with Kristen, Jason( next to me), Colby(who also worked as a volunteer), and Bennie. 

Carl(wearing the Hollis shirt) and I met as the race started and the runners were treated to running through the smoke from someone burning brush.  We hoped that we wouldn’t find many others doing the same and we were happy to find out it was the only smoke screen on the course.  Carl ran with friend Russ and they brought their sons Alex(#5523) and Jack.  And YES the 2 sons beat all of us old timers. 

This is a great race for many reasons that you should come to find next year.

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