Although the weather has hindered the up grading of the website (due to meetings that had to be postponed), you will see it emerge soon.
—Also you will here about the Tardy Foundation that has gotten it’s approval from the IRS as an official 501(c).
—–You will also have a chance to be a part of the history setting next run and/or a part of the many races I am now involved in organizing.
—–And, last but not least, I have recently agreed to speak in a few different places. The biggest venue so far is in the Chicago area at the end of June. I will be speaking in front of 1000’s of people WHO ARE MY HEROES. The organization that sponsored my 1st run has asked me to speak at their national convention. The National Council Of Corvette Clubs took a long shot chance on some crazy 23 year old who, before it was common place, had the crazy idea that he was going to run from coast to coast. The rest, as they say, is history.