—I went to Milton, Ma. on November 20th to run a 5k. If you have followed my stories in the blog section of this site, you would know that I like to get to a race 2 hours early. Why??? It’s just what I do. The Milton race began at 9 a.m. and I live about 2 hours from Milton. You do the math for my departure time from my house.
—I left my house at 5 a.m., to travel 2 hours to a place I’d never been, to run a race that was for a cause I’d never heard of in my life. Some of you think I’m crazy. Some of you understand. I can honestly tell you, however, if you weren’t there you missed a fantasic day, a great race, wonderful people, and most of all, a chance to learn about a very special cause.
—Best Buddies is an organization that helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities on a “one on one” basis. Right from my arrival I could tell I was amongst a group of warm hearted, loving, caring and hard working people. Everyone that I met that day was a pleasure to be around and dedicated to helping those in need.
—Craig, Kali, and Jake were the main organizers and did a superb job of putting on a great race. Their smiles and warm personalities helped warm the entire day.
—I am now talking to Craig about helping a Best Buddies office in my area to create a 5k. I will put out details as they are developed.
—There are more pictures in my next entry so you can meet some of the people that did make their way to the race on November 20th. Be there next year and experience this great time for yourself.
—In the mean time check out www.bestbuddiesma.org and learn about this great program.