None of the races that go on all year would happen if it weren’t for the people that volunteer their time, many times without any recognition. If you have been reading the stories in this section of the website for any length of time, you would know that I have written many times about their endless energy.
Everyone you see here came hours before the race started and stayed long after it was done. And these are 7 out of dozens that made the day happen.
Top left picture has Joel, me, Dave, and Sam. They helped set up, directed traffic, and did timing for the runners.
Fran, working with the Northampton P.D., stopped and directed traffic on the course. He also kept me from getting hit by cars while I was standing at, and sometimes in, the intersection just before the finish line while shouting encouragements to the runners and forgetting where I was.
Mickey helped with timing and keeping some details in line so I could do other things more efficiently.
Fred Wellman helped with the timing. Detail information he was able to enlighten me with, having had years of experience doing what I was doing for the first time, helped eliminate stress. He is also a long time true friend and my chiropractor, without whom I may not be running at all.
The last picture is Joel with me and Scott Keiter. Scott is a great carpenter. He used his truck and along with Joel marked out the course with signs that I had made to direct the runners and the walkers. Fortunately they were able to straighten out problems that were do to my LACK of carpentry skills.
What you should know is that these people were not just volunteers. These are people that help define the words “true friend”. All of these folks volunteered to help with the run before most of the details were even figured. They trusted me and our friendships so much that they were ready to help knowing what we were trying to do was a good thing. “THANKS FOR THE TRUST AND BEING A FRIEND”.