Here are some more pics from the 5 miler in Haverhill on May 30. There are 2 pictures that show just how beautiful the day was. One is the crowd with the river behind them taking in the refreshments and the great setting for the afternoon. The other is a shot from the boardwalk down the Merimac River. Then some more of the great people I met that day. Dave, Chris and myself with the river in the back round. Chris was talking with some friends when Dave and I talked about taking the picture and had no clue why we were taking it, but she posed with a great smile to help brighten the day even more.
Jon (red shirt) was one of the most important people in the crowd. Not only did he pose for the picture as we displayed our cups of carbs, but, he was one of the people pouring the many cups of free carbs that day.
Don and I were watching as the awards were being handed out. As you can see Don had a better plan than I when it came to keeping the liquids cold.
I don’t know what you might have been doing that day but, as you can see about 300 of us were enjoying the day in style on the Merimac.