When trying to train for and organize a large running event, such as running 5000 miles, you need help, support and understanding from people around you. Sometimes you may need advise, sometimes instruction, and sometimes just some one’s ear so you can vent or think out loud to get a handle on your own thoughts. Many times the people you turn to either don’t realize how important their belief in you might be or how important a roll they play in believing in yourself. The three people I’m pictured with have helped me in all these areas.
Josh, Amber, and Andy (green shirt) are trainers at the Northampton Athletic Club (NAC). Many times I tell people that NAC is my first home and my legal residence is actually my second home, because I’m in the gym more hours than I am in my house. This also means these three have had to put up with me on almost a daily basis. They listen to my blah, blah, blah even if they’ve heard it a million times before without telling me to shut up, although it probably crosses their mind often.
Andy and I have tipped a few cans/glasses/buckets of carbs together. Many of these were consumed at UConn football games. The fact that I’m 30 years older doesn’t seem to matter to him. This may be because we are friends or because I can kick his butt at beer pong (ok maybe not). But he’s been there when I needed him and that’s why I consider him such a good friend.
Josh is a bit newer to the gym than Andy, but he learned how to deal with me quickly. He’s always quick to lend an ear, give advise or exchange conversation to help me figure things out.
Amber is a special lady. She always has a smile to brighten up the day. She is very knowledgeable in the training field. And, she is always asking about the progress of the Charity runs. She also puts out a news letter and has become a local public relations person, working on letting people know about the events that I have planned and are being planned.
These are three of the people that are in the back round keeping me going. Without these people the journey I’m on may not be moving along as well as it has.