These are a few of the pictures I took at a race on March 6. The race was not only my first of the year, but, was in my local area. The run was held at Look Park in Florence, Ma. It was a delightful 50 degrees and brought a large number of runners out. Being a local race it brought out many of my friends which made the first race of the new season that much more enjoyable.
Martha Grinnell (top left) is not only a friend but an accomplished competitor. She also is a well respected trainer. You can check her out at http://www.dymanic-training.net/. Cindy, a wonderful woman and friend, showed up with her daughter, Maddy. I was able to catch them as they were about to partake of some of the great food that was provided. Bill (middle left) and I met at a race for the Make A Wish Foundation 2 years ago. Gene is a great friend and we ran side by side for almost half the race talking about an array of topics. Pat and her son Greg were at the race. Not only have I known her for many years, but, she is pictured with me in previous blog entries as we bump into each other at local races.
The day was picture perfect and sharing the first race of my outdoor race season with friends made it that much more special.