These are photos from the Holyoke, Ma. Turkey Trot 6 mile race in Holyoke, Ma. a couple weekends ago. One of the things I learned at this race was that there are people you didn’t know, some you didn’t know ran, and some you’re glad didn’t run.
Emily and Nicki I was glad didn’t run. As you can see they were helping with one of the most crucial parts of any runners training regiment—–pouring the glasses of carbs needed to replenish the body after a strenuous run.
Then, to the right of the ladies, is a picture of me with Paul, national coordinator for my Alaska to Florida run. And the picture below the ladies is me with Kevin who owns an accounting business and does my accounting. Though I talk frequently with these guys and we are friends, I didn’t know they ran road races. So meeting them at the race was a nice surprise.
Then, bottom right, you have OV and Mark. They were the 1st two people I met when I got out of my jeep at the race. OV ended up injuring himself on the run. Mark not only finished, but, I saw him the next weekend at another race.