I had never met Ken until Nov. 1. I ran in a race on Nov. 1 in Lexington, Ma.. As I was running I noticed a guy who not only brought a camera to the race, but, was taking pictures as he was running the race. He would hold up the camera as he ran and snapped off pictures. Then a week later I’m running in the Run For All Ages in Wakefield, Ma. and as I’m coming up on a guy to pass he holds up a camera and snaps a picture. Now it’s been said (usually by me) that I can’t remember things, but, it had only been a week since I last saw this roving photographer. So I made sure I tracked him down after the race. First thing I did was capture a picture of someone taking my picture as I was taking theirs and then I found out he posted all his photos on www.runwithken.com . We became new friends and got a chance to laugh at each other a bit. He’s a great guy who likes to show case others in their world of running. He belongs to the mystic runners club and I expect we’ll see each other again in each other’s view finder. “Thanks for the neat photo Ken”.