Here are f few of the many pictures I took at the Flutie Foundation 5k on October 4th. There will be more pictures and more story as you read the next entry. I am pictured with Frank after filling our plates with the great food that was available during the post race festivities. The picture next to me and Frank was taken in the line waiting to get the food. In this picture is myself, Chrissy, Shauna, Doreen, Emily, and Scott. Doreen had to pull herself out of a half marathon she had intended to do because of an injury. However, true to how us “runner people” are, she did run this 5k despite the injury. Also Scott and Shauna found out they are from the same home town.
Then there is the “Crew’s Voice” team. Bob (far left) pulled his son, Crew (far right) around the 3.1 mile course in the wheeled vehicle you see between them. Then you have myself, Lisa (Bob’s gal and support team), Tricia, and Cross (Crew’s brother). I caught up to Lisa and Tricia about a quarter mile from the finish line. At that point I made one of those fatal male comments. As I came up to them, and as we approached the final tenth of a mile up to the finish, I said “ok ladies let’s kick it to the finish line together”. BAD-BAD MISTAKE. We all kicked it alright. Unfortunately their kick was much better than mine. YOU GOT IT. Me and my male, Italian ego got kicked as I watched them pull away from me and finished 10-15 seconds ahead of the guy with the big mouth. I bet every guy reading this, runner or not, is saying “oh yeah I can relate to the foot in mouth thing”.
Then we have the 4 amigos. From left to right-Nicole, Marissa, myself, Lee, and Michelle. Lee is training for, what I believe she said, her first marathon. This is a picture at the end of the race we also took one before the race. Before the race I was warming up as I passed them and they handed me a camera to take their picture. After I took the picture a gentleman who was walking by (and must have thought we were together) asked if he could help by taking a picture of all of us. I refer you back to the last paragraph and the Italian, male that I am. So I jumped on his offer and hopped on into the picture. We all finished and had stories to tell and bring back home with us.
Everyone of these people plus a few you’ll read about in the next entry are some of the reasons my days at these races are so great. “THANKS” to you all and I know we’ll see each other again.