August 5th was the 31st anniversary of the my finish of first run from coast to coast. Some people that read the entries leading up to the 5th have asked what I did on that day to celebrate.
I started the day by going to court. I was bringing the first person that was supposed to design this website there because he was taking money without producing what was promised. I did win so that wasn’t a bad way to start the magical day (I guess). Then I went to one of my favorite places to relax. NAC. Northampton Athletic Club has been a second home to me for many, many years. Travis, (pictured with me on the 5th) has been not only a friend since he started working there, but also a sounding board for me to bounce ideas off of when I needed some opinions. We’ve been to basketball and football games together and tipped a couple of containers of carbs on occasion.
Then in the evening I visited with (l to r) Neal, Zsa Zsa and Mickey, whom I also trust to listen to alot of the ideas that are crossing my mind with so much going on. We actually toasted the day. These are all great friends and helped put a celebratory mood to the day that started in a court room. Zsa Zsa also runs 1/2 marathons but tends to down play her own great talent. Her friends know how good she really is.
All in all a nice way to spend the day. And what made it different from past years was the main topic of conversation was— the next run.