When you step out to try to do things for others, you find that other people will seem to come out of unexpected places to help. I.E. Shannon. My daughter Michelle, to your right, and I meet on occasion at Cambridge I. This is a great restaurant near Fenway Park that amongst their great line up of food are a bunch of delicious specialty pizzas and some great draft beer. Michelle and I go there to talk about the website, the training, the search for sponsors and charities, or life in general. Shannon, to your left, works there and has gotten to know our mission. She is associated with people that produce a show that airs on the Geography Channel. When she saw us recently at the restaurant she had some news to share with us. The show she works with is thinking of putting together a story about ultra distance runners. Since she has been talking with us, she feels she just might have a good start for the show–me. If this show were to come about what a great boost to help my run to raise money for charity. If it were to not come about at least the chance not only was a lift to our spirits, but also, it helped us realize there are people rooting for us we didn’t know about. “Thank You” Shannon you are helping us to try to help others.
Planning And Expanding With Others
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